Once upon a time, in the enchanting world of ekamāthra, a new collection “Pātina” was born, inspired by the most timeless symbol of love and grandeur - the Taj Mahal. This collection weaves a magical narrative, embodying imperfection and inclusivity. The Taj Mahal, an ageless and historical wonder, guides a spellbinding fashion adventure.
Picture the weathered beauty of marble etched into every thread, mirroring the Taj's oxidized textures. Garments express the monument's essence with lace replicating intricate Jalli work and digital marbling prints reflecting its ever-changing colors. Precious and semi-precious stones, reminiscent of Pietra Dura, are woven into the fabric, creating a textured and colorful symphony. Silhouettes transport us to the Mughal era, transcending gender boundaries with flairs, pleats, and a rich tapestry of blended organic fabrics like silk, cotton and linen. The fusion of historical grandeur and modern elegance yields a gender-neutral, all-inclusive fashion dream. The collection's enchanting colors mirror the Taj's transformation from soft pinks at sunrise to brilliant afternoon whites and bronzed-oranges at sunset. Under moonlight, the Taj shimmers with a mesmerizing blue.
"Pātina" embraces imperfections, celebrates life's textures, and encourages individuals to shine uniquely. It's an ode to the timeless elegance of the Taj Mahal, where each person becomes a masterpiece in their own right.
Join us on this enchanting journey, and be a part of this fairytale where fashion is a canvas for self-expression and inclusivity.